
Shri Kamarajar Birthday Celebration

Shri Kamarajar’s Birthday Celebration On account of Shri Kamarajar’s birthday Celebration, Education Development Day was celebrated. Thiru. A. Kumaravel presided over the celebration. Inorder to highlight the sacrifices made by Kamarajar, Students performed programmes like speech, singing, dance and verse reading.

Live Drama

A Live Drama A live drama on the topic குட்டையா நெட்டையா was performed by the members of Kaleidoscope Troupe Madurai on 05.07.2023 and 06.07.2023. Around 900 students of our school enjoyed the drama.

Medical Camp

Medical Camp A medical camp was organised by our school Alumni Dr. Jeyashree BDS and Dr. Jenitha B.H.M.S., D. Accu., on 04.07.2023. They gave clear consultation for many health issues.

Eye Donation Awareness Programme

Eye Donation Awareness Programme Lions Club of Sivakasi Cracker city organised Eye Awareness programme on 01.07.2023. Students of Classes IX – XII attended the programme. Lion Dr. J. Ganesh MTF addressed the students and gave a clear knowledge about eye donation. 

Trip to Vaigai dam

Trip to Vaigai dam Students of Classes III, IV were taken on a trip to vaigai dam. Students were much enthusiastic and enjoyed well.

Club Inauguration 2023

Inauguration of Club activities Our Alumni Miss. Kartheeswari B.Com., L.L.B., presided over the function on 17.06.2023. The presidents and secretaries of various clubs were announced. 


THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ASSEMBLY School reopened for the classes VI – XII The day began with flag hoisting and the blessings of Principal, Advisor Madam and teachers.